This weeks question comes from Jan who wants to know the in's and out's of the DJ music library. I hope you enjoy.
Jan writes - For the events that your perform, whether it be a wedding, a crab feed, a historic birthday or whatever it may be, are you able to provide a wide selection of music to meet the needs of the audience?
I know that some dj’s have their “list of songs” available and if there is something specifically requested prior to the event – they can add it BUT if it is a request at the event and they don’t have it in their Library, then they are unable to accommodate. With technology nowadays – are you able to pull a “request” that you may not have with you, but bring up via laptop/internet for the event while you are there?
Awesome question Jan and yes, with the wide, wide world of internet, the DJ's job got a lot easier on those obscure and downright zanny song requests you might have from night to night.
I know that most DJ's have quite extensive libraries including every type of music genre possible. You just never know when the request for the "Jacksonville Polka" will come along or the ever popular "Ballad of Davey Crocket" will be requested. Maybe I am exaggerating a bit but hey, I once had a sailor request "In the Navy" by the Village People. Didn't have it but got it right away from itunes.
The simple fact of the matter is that with today's technology, any song is just about obtainable. You just need to know where to go to get it. Here's a tip, have you ever looked on YouTube for a specific song? The "Tube" is my last resort but hey, even their website is now featuring high quality music which when played through a professional system, sounds amazing. As a DJ, I feel obligated to purchase music that I do not have in the library. A simple click on iTunes can make you look absolutely dazzling during crunch time.
I play all of my music from a Mac Book. Before a party, I will organize playlists to fit the needs of the event. The DJ software that I use links directly to those iTunes folders which puts me in full control of the music. I do keep a "party favorite" folder which I dip into often. Nothing like the standards. All parties are different though and a good DJ learns how to read a crowd. it's vital to a successful event.
The days of DJ's spinning vinyl are long gone and most DJ's are done with cd's as well. Digital music is the way to go for so many reasons. Fortunately for me, I was on the cutting edge when the digital revolution was applied to the DJ business. No carrying box after box of music in whatever format for me. All of my music was stored on a nice little external hard drive. Can you say "light weight"?
I have a thought for all of you to ponder. If you look back just 10 years ago and how we listened, played, downloaded and saved our music, you would agree with me that it's a bit different today. Just think what the possibilities are 10 years from now. Will we even have a need for players, internet music and the likes or will we just simply insert a chip into our ear, think up a song and have it play.
Laugh but who would have ever thought we would have smart phones do what they do and remember, the first iPhone came out in 2007.
Until next time. Remember to email your questions to djmagicent@yahoo.com and who knows, maybe your question will be answered right here on the party blog.